Costa Rica Coope Tarrazu RL

Whole Bean Coffee

This coffee is produced at 1200-1800 meters and is fully washed and provides an enticing, tasteful cup. Hints of fruit juice and tangy cherry can be detected, while tones of chocolate, malt and hints of caramel provide a delightful base.


Coffee has been cultivated in Costa Rica since 1779 and the Tarrazu region has long been known as one of 3 regions producing the best quality coffee. This excellent cup is brought to us by Coope Tarrazu RL which was founded in 1960 with just 6,000 dollars and 228 farmers. Today, the Co-Op runs the largest wet mill in Costa Rica and processes over 100K bags for 3000 producers every year.

This Co-Op has been successful due to the promotion of interests of the small farmers in the area – 85% of which harvest 10 acres or much less. By offering services to Co-Op members such as credit, technical advice, marketing, and real improvements like organic fertilizer as a byproduct of the mill, the Co-Op has earned an opportunity and grown accordingly. Some of the growth has allowed for diversification of the Co-Op to absorb fluctuations in prices by allowing for purchases of new businesses such as grocery and hardware.

This coffee is produced at 1200-1800 meters and is fully washed and provides an enticing, tasteful cup. Hints of fruit juice and tangy cherry can be detected, while tones of chocolate, malt and hints of caramel provide a delightful base.