Peru Organic Small Holder Select

Whole Bean Coffee

This lot is brought to us by Small Holders in the central region and is a classic cup of Peruvian coffee with delicate sweetness and a clean, lively brightness. Expect a very nice, almost heavy body, with tones of nut and citrus along with hints of caramel and just a touch of dark chocolate.


Peru is the Ninth largest coffee producer in the world with about 200,000 farms. The vast majority of these are Small Holder farms that are less than 5 acres and all are located at high altitudes in the Andes mountains. Peru has an excellent natural environment for growing coffee and is not limited to production in any one area of the country. However, the central region is often noted for producing consistently delicious coffee.

This lot is brought to us by Small Holders in the central region and is a classic cup of Peruvian coffee with delicate sweetness and a clean, lively brightness. Expect a very nice, almost heavy body, with tones of nut and citrus along with hints of caramel and just a touch of dark chocolate.