You have distinct tastes. As a smoker you demand a bold, flavorful cup and that means coffees roasted to Vienna and French levels. We bring you select origins of coffee that create the deep, rich tones that come with these roast levels.
Ethiopia is thought to be where coffee was first discovered around 1200 years ago and is often ranked first in the world of high quality coffee to this day. There are three main areas of production in Ethiopia: Harar, Ghimbi and Sidamo. Ethiopian coffees often have a slightly dry finish with fruit or wine-like acidity and heavier body, along with intense aromatics of berries.
This excellent cup from Small Holders in Southern Ethiopia bursts with the aroma of fresh berries. You will find a very low acidity and complex cup with tones of nuts and milk chocolate. This lot has a slightly heavy body, smooth mouthfeel and just a hint of dry finish.